Prime Rib


  • Beef ribeye roast, bone in or boneless, doesn't matter.
  • Kosher Salt
  • Pepper
  • Thyme


Trim excess fat from the ribeye roast. You want to leave some fat as this will form a crust.

Combine kosher salt, pepper, thyme to make a dry rub.

Rub the ribeye roast with the mixture.

Leave this in the refrigerator to dry out for 1-2 days.

Let the roast come up to room temp for at least 3-4 hours.

Roast at 250 (F) degree oven until internal temp is 120 (F).

No need to rest. Slice and serve immediately.

Tip: Use warm plates to prevent from getting cold at serving time. Depending on the plates (if safe) you may also put them in the oven with the prime rib. Or, leave your stack of plates on top of the oven during the cooking process so they will be slightly warm.