Selected Projects

I like to cook, a lot. Lately, I've focused mostly on Asian cuisine. However, I also love european cuisine, especially my own heritage, Italian, cooking, and French. Since friends have asked, I'm posting some recipes and cooking tips online.
See Recipes
Underground Cellar
As co-founder and CTO at Underground Cellar, I grew the engineering team and own the internal products used by the company, spanning frontend, backend, administrative interface, and mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. I also work with the CEO and major investors to design and implement financial models and reports. As a board director, I worked with investors and shape the governance of the company.
- Custom e-commerce backend
- Y Combinator backed, Winter 2015
- Winner of LAUNCH Festival, Best Consumer Startup

Not Ordinary Media (NOM)
Winter 2019
Design-first website for a modern media company. Featuring landing pages with custom Salesforce integration. Runs on Webflow.
Christ Our Hope Catholic Church
Winter 2015
Website build-out and IT installation. Featuring Office 365 hosted email to replace an aging Exchange server on-premises. Custom CMS using N2 CMS framework and .NET 3.5. Runs on Microsoft Azure.